The term TERA comes from the Nanotechnology industry and refers to the scale used for the oscillations of the NOVACAV equipment. The same term we could find it in other aplications and industries like in microchips for Boeing and bioinformatics.
Teracavitation uses ULF waves (Ultra Low Frequency). They are mechanical vibrations that produce an alternate movement of compression and decompression that takes the fat molecules to a sinusoidal oscillation around its original position. Fat deposits are tough and are very compact complex structures. They can’t be removed by diet ,exercise or massage techniques.
Teracavitation, breaks the fat cells without affecting nearby structures such as skin, vascular or lymphatic epithelium, muscles, nerves…
The energy waves movement creates a localized heat around adipocytes
and creates gas bubbles that increase its volume until they explode
(Lipoclasia) allowing to disintegrate and Liquefie fat that
slips into the interstitial spaces. Then, a drainant massage will
help to eliminate this liquefied fat.
Teracavitation produces a destabilization of the structure of adipocyte breaking the cell membrane. The implosions of these micro bubbles are constant during treatment and breaks down the fat cell membranes.
The destruction of fat is permanent. The fat cells are definitively broken and its contents are released to the interstitial fluid. In the 4-5 days after treatment will be eliminated completely from the body by natural metabolic processes.